Optimum Layout Adjustment Supporting Ordering Constraints in Graph-Like Diagram Drawing

We propose an optimisation-based technique for layout operations ensuring flexible and convenient interactive editing of a wide class of graph-like diagrams. Diagrams may be very complex, containing nested nodes, textual labels on connection paths, and branched structures of paths. Layout operations rely on a mental map preserving optimum layout adjustment via solving a quadratic programming problem subject to ordering constraints. For this purpose, we have developed a highly efficient mathematical programming method. This method also enables to solve several related optimisation problems, such as optimum placement of vertices into layers, or horizontal coordinate assignment for layered vertices, which were considered to be difficult in practice.


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Optimum Layout Adjustment Supporting Ordering Constraints in Graph-Like Diagram Drawing.
K. Freivalds, P. Kikusts, Proc. of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 55 (2001), No. 1.

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